Displaying items by tag: raw recipe

Thursday, 03 June 2010 15:57

Almond milk, papaya, and peach smoothie

Tropical Smoothie

I recently made a big batch of almond milk, purchased a papaya because of claims that it aids digestion, and was given some peaches: so I decided to blend them all together and it resulted in a delicious, lightly sweet smoothie. Give it a try!

Published in Recipes
Sunday, 28 August 2011 23:34

Mint Chocolate Coconut Tapioca Pudding

I've been trying to perfect chia seed pudding and have fallen flat so many times...until recently. I was inspired by my friend Vanessa's recipe on The Green Girl Next Door, and with a few little adjustments to fit my diet and palate I came up with something insanely heavenly! As Vanessa mentions in her post, chia seed is not just a great thickener, it's also very nutritious and contains: omega-3 fatty acids, protein, antioxidants, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, molybdenum, niacin, and zinc.
Published in Recipes
Wednesday, 17 August 2011 22:52

Raw Vegetable "Fried Rice"

I love the challenge of making creative meals with limited ingredients, especially when they're extra healthy. This recipe was adapted from Cafe Gratitude's "Raw Veggie Rice", which is a raw dish I've never made before, nor is it common in raw recipe books. I added a little oil and salt to it, but those could easily be left out. The taste is savory and refreshing - a cross between rice and a salad.

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This organic dressing is super easy and quick to make - full of flavor and can be modified to fit your taste buds. I modified it a little from the Raw Green Goddess Dressing Kris Carr's Crazy Sexy Diet.
It's gluten-free, soy-free, salt-free, sugar-free, and anti-candida diet friendly. I used a little olive oil, but it could probably be omitted and subbed with more water.
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One of my favorite recipe books is called "Unprocessed" by Chef AJ. It is full of great food that is oil-free, salt-free, and refined sugar-free, and the tag line is "how to achieve vibrant health and your ideal weight" - sounds good to me! Everything is very easy to make and usually consists of ingredients that are in the kitchen already. This recipe caught my eye because it's a unique twist on one of my favorite snacks: guacamole. Guac can get expensive and it's also pretty fattened (though it consists of healthy fats). Sweet peas have a similar appearance to avocado, so if you blend them just right this turns out very similar to traditional guacamole.

Published in Recipes
Last week when I did a poll on the Eco-Vegan Gal Facebook page about what video recipe you'd like to see next the majority voted for "entrée" - you wish is my command. Since I'm on a raw food kick, I decided to make a living foods dish for dinner last night. I flipped through my favorite raw recipe books and felt that it was a sign when I found the same dish in 3 of them (give or take a few ingredients)! With a few modifications I whipped up a satisfying, filling, nutritious dish that my boyfriend even liked, and almost no packing was used (completely plastic free!). What I ended up with is most like "Stirred, Not Fried" from Chef AJ's "Unprocessed" book.
This recipe is free of oil, salt, and sugar, and it's anti-candida. I purchased all organic ingredients at Whole Foods for a cost of $20, and it yielded about 4 servings. 

Published in Recipes
Sunday, 07 August 2011 06:35

Raw Vanilla Pudding

Creamy, rich, and sweet, this raw recipe is easy to make and free of refined sugar. If you get everything in bulk then it's very eco-friendly as well!
Published in Recipes
Saturday, 06 August 2011 23:21

Vegan, Alkaline Recipes from Nik Tyler

Way back in 2009 Nik Tyler (aka, the man who inspired me to be vegan) went to "two transformative weeks at The Rancho De Sol-Ph Miracle Ranch" and came back with incredible enthusiasm and energy. So much so that he sent me daily emails of the foods he had been making, with beautiful pictures. I posted these on Eco-Vegan Gal and they are some of the most popular recipes on the site. 
These recipes are also gluten-free, soy-free, oil-free, sugar-free and anti-candida. Some are also salt-free and raw.
Published in Recipes
Sunday, 07 August 2011 13:02

Make Your Own Peanut Butter Cookie LÄRABAR

Since going gluten-free, soy-free, and moving towards sugar-free my food choices have become pretty limited and basic. Well, limited in the processed food sense. One of my favorite snacks right now are LÄRABARs, especially the Peanut Butter Cookie flavor, however they can add up in price and packaging. So I decided to try making them myself since the ingredients are just dates, peanuts, and salt.
Published in Recipes
Thursday, 04 August 2011 19:04

Banana Mint Chip (Almost) Ice Cream

I should probably call this recipe Banana Mint Chip Chilly Cream, since it's not very icy. It doesnt really matter though - the consistency isn't what makes this dessert worth whipping up (literally), it's all about the flavors. Easy, quick, inexpensive, and guilt-free.
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