Wednesday, 06 December 2017 08:07

Cancer Free Living

Cancer: a word that looms over society like a dark cloud. In America alone, over a million people are diagnosed each year and over 1,600 die for it each day (American Cancer Society). Images of bald heads, hospital gowns, and tears are commonly associated with cancer patients. Not a pretty picture. However, the good news is that there are many ways to naturally prevent and treat cancer, and I'd like to share an inspiring story with you about this.

Ladies, I want to let you in on a little secret: I actually don’t mind getting my period. I know, it sounds kinda crazy but let me explain why. My feelings around that time of the month shifted drastically in 2009 when I began using a menstrual cup instead of disposable tampons and pads. Though it took some getting used to, within a cycle or two of using a cup I practically forgot I was on my period! I say “practically” because I still have the usual day or two of cramps, bloating and mood shifts, but the flow part of the cycle became a breeze. And bonus: it’s really nice not having to buy and throw out tampons and pads every month, which saves money and the environment.

Product review by EvG team member Kelly O'Brien.

I am actually thrilled and giddy that I have been able to trial the brand new Kind Organics multivitamin for the past month and a half. The more I learned about how this multivitamin was created, the company who created it —Garden of Life—and the collaboration with Alicia Silverstone, the more I knew I was ingesting the most healthy, organic nutrition in a multivitamin for the very first time.

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