Displaying items by tag: electronic

We live in face paced world that is obsessed with technology. Most of us, in the US at least, are eager to get our hands on the latest and greatest gadgets, even if the model we currently own is in perfectly fine condition. Though I have the same compulsion, I work hard to restrain myself - example, I've been lusting after the iPhone 5 but my 4S serves me well (enough). As you'll see in this video, I waited through many generations of Apple mobile devices before I upgraded (and even felt a little guilty for buying a new one). So what did I do with my first generation iPhone and previous cell phones? I sold them through a recycling program - it was easy, I made a little money, and I felt great about doing so, and you can too.

Published in Technology

For those of you who don't know, I'm a big Apple nerd. I absolutely love their products and own many of them. I know how to use almost all of their software. And one of my favorite things is when they make big announcements. Therefore I was on the edge of my seat for the past few days while waiting to see if Verizon was finally going to support the iPhone. You see, I still own the original iPhone - yes, the very first generation that came out over 3 years ago.

I have been holding out on buying a new iPhone for many reasons.

Published in Technology