Act: Green & Natural Living

You're already inspired and excited about changing the world, now it's time to get out and do something! In the articles below you'll find hundreds of ways to implement small changes that make a big difference on the planet.

Get the answers: learn the How's and Why's here. If you need further advice, check out the Resources section for websites, blogs and articles, as well as the EvG Store to shop for products.

"The activist is not the man who says the river is dirty. The activist is the man who cleans up the river." ~ Ross Perot

For those of you who don't know, I'm a big Apple nerd. I absolutely love their products and own many of them. I know how to use almost all of their software. And one of my favorite things is when they make big announcements. Therefore I was on the edge of my seat for the past few days while waiting to see if Verizon was finally going to support the iPhone. You see, I still own the original iPhone - yes, the very first generation that came out over 3 years ago.

I have been holding out on buying a new iPhone for many reasons.

Wednesday, 01 September 2010 14:16

Just Green It book launch (video)

Last week I went to a party to celebrate the launch of the new book Just Green It by Lisa & Rob Beres. Here's the video montage I made of the event:

Monday, 09 August 2010 11:16

How to Sign Forms Digitally

In this day and age, most things are digital. We email, we text, we video chat. Telecommuting has become a common way to do work, and it saves so many resources, especially since it keeps cars off the road. But there are a few office matters that are still dependent (physical). However, if you're creative and computer confident, there are some workarounds.

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