Friday, 28 March 2014 03:00

Kaibae: Baobab Fruit Powder Review

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Product review by EvG team meber Amanda Shea:

I am always excited to try out new, healthy vegan products to add to my diet. In all honesty, I have never heard of Baobab fruit powder before I received samples for Kaibae. I did a little research on Baobab fruit and found out it originates from Africa. The actual fruit is hard to come by; the next best thing is getting it in powder form. It truly is a superfood because of all the amazing health benefits.

Baobab contains 6x more vitamin C than an orange, 2x more calcium than a glass of milk, 4x more potassium than a banana, 6x more antioxidants than berries, and 12x more dietary fiber than an apple. On top of the nutritional benefits it also helps to reduce inflammation, sustain energy, and balance blood sugar. Can you say amazing?! 

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I was sent two sample packages of Kaibae’s Baobab powder. I added the powder to brownies and a smoothie. Baobab has a sweet flavor, some people might say it’s a little tangy, which was a nice compliment to my dishes. You can add the powder to cereal, oatmeal, and so much more - it’s a great versatile product. Kaibae sells the powder for $18 for 4oz or $32 for 10oz

Dr. Luc Maes, a naturopathic doctor in Santa Barbara, CA, founded Kaibae. He founded Kailbae because he has a passion for health and ultimately making the world a better place. The mission of the company is to ethically source “lost crops” baobab fruit for health and economic opportunity. To learn more about Kaibae, check them out on their main site and on Facebook


Writer Amanda Shea lives in the Boston area where she is a writer and vlogger for Flurt She co-created and writes for The Envi Girls. Be sure to follow her on Twitter and stay tuned for more of her reviews on Eco-Vegan Gal!

Read 11764 times Last modified on Sunday, 30 March 2014 11:12