Displaying items by tag: video
Tuesday, 14 February 2012 21:36
The Story Behind Arsenic in Organic Brown Rice Products
Soooo...did you hear that some organic brown rice products contain arsenic? Yep, at least that's what a study says, and it's pretty frightening if you don't know all the details. Fortunately it seems we don't have much to worry about, and here's why:
Published in
Health Food
Wednesday, 08 February 2012 07:36
Healthy Snacks from Way Better - Sprouted Tortilla Chips (video)
I'm always on the hunt for good snacks, so when I spotted Way Better Snack's attractive packaging at Rainbow Grocery I had to check it out. Upon closer inspection I discovered that they aren't your average tortilla chips - they are made with sprouted grains and seeds for extra nutrition. All ingredients are non-GMO and certified gluten-free, and most of them are organic. Sold. Check out this video for my thoughts:
Published in
Packaged Food Reviews
Saturday, 04 February 2012 17:36
Burgers and Brew in Davis, CA (Video Review)
During a road trip to ski in Tahoe I was put in charge of finding a restaurant on the way (big surprise). By the time we were ready to eat it was past 10pm, but thanks to the Yelp app I found the perfect place in Davis: Burgers and Brew.
Published in
Restaurant Reviews
Wednesday, 01 February 2012 05:53
Healthiest Chocolate Ever: Organic, Raw, Vegan, Sugar-Free, Soy-Free & Gluten-Free!
Yes, the title is true. I have discovered the healthiest and most eco-friendly chocolate ever!!! Oh, and it's DELICIOUS too. Really, the best way for you to understand how excited I am about finding this is to watch the following video, but there's a little text below it if you can't/don't want to. Bottom line - this is one of the most exciting vegan products I've found in a long time.
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Packaged Food Reviews
Friday, 27 January 2012 01:31
San Francisco Vegan Drinks (Video)
Last night I attended my first SF Vegan Drinks hosted by VegNews and VeganSaurus and had a blast. Not only way the company great (Robert Cheeke was in town!) but I got to use my new camera. And when I say new, I mean it was gifted to me less than 2 hours before the event (thanks to my incredible boyfriend Owen). What perfect timing - I got to test out my camera on some internally and externally beautiful people! Anywho, check out the video to see how much fun SF Vegan Drinks is - if you're not in the Bay Area then you should seek out a vegan drinks in your area. And if there isn't one nearby then start one yourself, even if it begins with just you and your cat/dog/goldfish and a bottle of organic beer or virgin mojito!
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Tuesday, 17 January 2012 06:15
Coconut Curry Crackers From Livin' Spoonful (Video)
It's hard to find really satisfying, well-priced healthy snacks...well, I suppose it depends on what your definition of healthy is, but for me it means:
- plant based
- unprocessed
- organic
- gluten-free
- soy-free
- low or no SOS (salt, oil, sugar)
Try to think of some snacks off the top of your head, aside from produce and nuts/seeds, and you'll feel a little stumped. My favorite snack lately has been kale chips, but at $5-8 a bag it can add up, especially when I eat them all in one sitting (aka 10-15 minutes). Then there are nuts, which are great except that they too can get pricey and I get sick of them pretty fast. So what's a Eco-Vegan Gal (or Guy) to do? Personally, I go to different natural markets/sections of stores and see if I can find new treats, and luckily I did yesterday.
Published in
Packaged Food Reviews
Friday, 13 January 2012 00:39
What Food to Buy on A Healthy, Vegan Cleanse (Video)
Since I've been sharing my cleanse journey and inviting others to join me, I'm often ask what to buy at the grocery store. It depends on what type you're doing, but in my case it's the 21 Day Adventure Cleanse from Crazy Sexy Diet, which focuses on alkaline, whole, plant-based foods. During my last trip to Rainbow Grocery I documented each item I purchased and made this video and list to give you an idea of what to buy on your next trip to the store.
Published in
Health Food
Monday, 02 January 2012 17:38
Cleanse Update & Progress (Videos)
Just wanted to check in for those of you who don't follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, or YouTube (though I can't imagine you don't follow at least one of those!). My cleanse is off to a great start - on Day 3 and going strong/feeling wonderful! Plus, my boyfriend decided to do it with me, which has been really great (see Cleanse Day 2 video). I haven't had a lot of free time to write so I've been doing mainly video content - check out the following videos when you have a chance. If you're doing a cleanse as well and would like some support I encourage you to join the Google Group (which has 34 members) and stay tuned for live video hangouts on Google Plus and occasional UStream live Q&As. I love hearing from you so would love an update on your cleanse in this comment section or any of the above sites.
Published in
Health Food
Friday, 30 December 2011 09:00
Cleanse Q&A On UStream (Video)
Since I've been receiving so many questions about cleansing I decided to do a live Q&A session on UStream. It was a last minute decision but I still received 17 lives views, and since it went so well I'm going to do more and give you a heads up so you can tune in and interact with me next time. If you missed the live show, you can watch it here:
Published in
Health Food