Displaying items by tag: video
Lula's Sweet Apothecary (NYC): chill-out with vegan "ice cream" in the heat of summer
Faux Foie Gras from seed kitchen (video)
Cooking with Eric Lechasseur
As a result of being one of Seed Kitchen's best customers I've come to know the chef and owners very well: Eric Lechassuer and Sanae Suzuki. Recently they asked me to help them with cooking videos, and they came out very well.
Here are the first 2 videos in the series. Join Eric as he demonstrates how to make 2 organic, macrobiotic recipes from his books "Love Eric" and "Love Eric and Sanae". Both these dishes are delicious and easy - they each take less than 10 minutes to prepare. I highly recommend that you try them, especially if you've never been to Seed (you're missing out!).
The Bare Necessities: Keep it Simple Stupid
Sorry - didn't mean to call you stupid. Just needed to get your attention.
In my opinion, simplicity is the key to healing our bodies, minds, and planet. Yet, for some reason, simplicity is often associated with lack of excitement, especially when in reference to lifestyle (Americans especially often feel the need to have more-more-more, not less-less-less). Surprisingly, among the many definitions of the word simple is, "not limited or restricted" (merriam-webster). In fact, since I've simplified my life (quit my full-time job, changed my diet, started making my own meals/beauty products, reduced the amount of products I buy, etc.), I feel bigger and unrestricted. I discovered that taking unnecessary things out allowed space for more important things to come in.
Feel great, look radiant, & save money: the effects of eating healthy
My change in diet has been so rewarding - I feel great, I've lost weight and have been told I look radiant, and I save money by cooking for myself. Plus, I've been inspired to find more ways to be healthy. Check out what I've accomplished recently in the following video:
Several people have asked if I have cravings or ever cheat, and the answers are sort of and yes. I occasionally get cravings, but find that when I eat a whole foods meal they go away. However, occasionally I'll cheat and eat something with gluten, soy, oil, or sugar. Sometimes when I do this I feel the effects right away - headaches, change in mood, tingly - it depends how much is in it or what kind of ingredient. Overall, I'm sticking to this diet indefinitely because I feel awesome. Trust me, you can do it too if you want to and if you put your mind to it. : )
What have you been doing to keep yourself healthy recently?
Eco-Vegan Shopping: Local, Organic, & Bulk Food
A few days ago I made a video about a great trip to the farmers market, and today I made a similar one about my visit to the Santa Monica Co-Opportunity. I felt incredibly empowered after buying spices, grains, and seeds in bulk and fresh organic produce - I barely used any packaging and I saved a ton of money. I invested in some glass jars, which were only $1.69 each, and then filled them up with the amount of organic spices I needed - in total this cost about $2. And of course, none of the items I bought contained gluten, soy, oil, or refined-sugar (with the exception of some flax crackers that had a tad of soy in them).
Here's what I bought:
- Ancient Harvest Organic Quinoa Pasta
- Mary's Gone Crackers
- Grapefruit
- Oranges
- Papaya
- Sweet potato
- Lemon
- Lime
- Almonds
- Quinoa
- Nutritional Yeast
- Dates
- Mustard seed
- Chia seeds
- Paprika
- Cumin
- Flax seeds
Farmers Markets: One Stop Eco-Vegan Shop for Food Naturally Free of Gluten, Soy, Refined Sugar, and Oil

Every Friday there is a farmers market within walking distance from my apartment, but I rarely go because it closes at 11am and I'm usually still sleeping (I'm a night owl and don't go to bed until 3 or 4am)! However, since I've been eating so much produce recently I decided it's worth getting up "early" at 10am and making it a weekly trip. Today I made my first trip there in a while and bought a bunch of delicious, local food that will last me about a week - all for less than $30! The best part is, most things at the farmer's market are naturally free of gluten, soy, refined sugar, and oil (unless you buy pre-made food like bread).
I realized that I'm often writing about what I don't eat: I don't eat gluten, I don't eat soy, I don't eat refined-sugar, I don't eat oil. People probably think I'm depriving myself! Sure, I post recipes and list what I consume everyday, but I feel like it's time I highlight all the amazing food I do eat. Check out this video of all the organic produce I picked up today and stay tuned for the recipes I'll use them in later this week.
Here's a list of what I bought:
- Apples
- Grapefruit
- Avocado
- Daikon Radish
- Carrots
- Bok Choy
- Beech Mushrooms
- Tomatoes
- Fingerling Potatoes
- Onion
- Cabbage
- Kale
- Mixed Greens
- Cilantro
- Basil
Have any good recipe ideas for these ingredients? Comment below to share! : )
Do It Gorgeously - Sophie Uliano at T Salon
The Scoop on Vitamin B12
A reader asked me today,
I have a question about b12, are there different types? I heard that vegans have to take supplements because you can't get it from plant sources, but spirulina and nutritional yeast both contain b12
Here are the answers to her questions, and then some. **Please read my health disclaimer**:
Robert Cheeke interviews Will & Madeleine Tuttle
Robert and I had some great conversations with Will & Madeleine Tuttle, on and off camera at Farm Sanctuary. Though I enjoyed listening to them speak, I especially liked the tour of their traveling home, which you'll see towards the end of the video. The Tuttles are truly living a eco-vegan lifestyle! Please check out Will's wonderful book, The World Peace Diet, which you can also get as an audio book
. Will has some beautiful music on CD
as well.