Sunday, 27 February 2011 01:44

My Secret On How To Feel Healthier and Look Better

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You may have noticed that I've lost some weight in the past year. If not, take a look at some of my old videos and you'll notice a difference, especially in my face and waist. I owe it to focusing on a whole foods plant-based diet, which began with cutting out gluten and soy, and reducing the amount of processed foods I ate (including sweeteners and oils). Through this change in diet, I was inspired to cook more, which brought my health to a whole new level, reduced my carbon footprint, and saved me money. In a recent video series with Larry Cook, a health Author and Video Producer, I spoke about my health secret - check the first video out below.

Don't get me wrong, I do still enjoy eating out and splurging on the occasional pre-made meal at the grocery store, and you'll continue to see reviews on these companies. I still buy Daiya cheese on occasion (it's gluten and soy free). And I certainly recommend most vegan products to people with less restrictive diets than mine. But this is all in moderation - most of the time I cook for myself using ingredients from the produce and bulk sections, and I feel amazing from it on so many levels. To me, being eco-vegan mean considering the health of your body and the planet in every part of your life, especially when eating.

What's your biggest healthy lifestyle secret?

Read 5432 times Last modified on Wednesday, 25 April 2012 01:42