It has begun! Join me on my first day of Natural Products Expo West in this video, featuring the latest products from:

  • - PROBAR
  • - Pure Bar
  • - Artisana
  • - Purely Elizabeth
  • - Beanfields
  • - The Brooklyn Salsa Company
  • - Califia Almond Milk
  • - Bambooe
  • - Navitas Naturals
  • - Earth Balance
  • - VEGA
  • - Inner-Eco
  • - OMG!
  • - Poppy's Cleaners
  • - NibMor
  • - Pacari and Dr. Nita's
  • - Cloud-Top
  • - Bold Organics
  • - Yoga Earth's Keen-Wah
  • - Farmhouse Culture
  • - EatPastry

Jeri Taira has been one of the most supportive Eco-Vegan Gal viewers. She has the most fantastic energy, which you can feel illuminating through the computer even though she's thousands of miles away (I mean, just look at that gorgeous smile!). She thrives on sharing her thoughts on Faith and Nutrition through writing and photos, and unwraps her journey in everyday living at "GodsDreamsforMe", Facebook and Twitter. She writes on plant-based topics at and

Here are her thoughts on EvG:

"The Larry Cook Series on you wonderfully sums up why I began following Eco-Vegan Gal 3 years ago. I’m so thankful for this amazing website. Here, I find so much motivation to make the changes I need to for my own healthy living. The researched information is shared in a way that I can understand as an everyday person. I totally enjoy the varied resources and the fun ways you share them. In following Eco-Vegan Gal, I’m now able to share with others through writing and casual conversation. The point is that I just love it here! Whitney, you're amazing in how you instill all things eco-vegan. From newbie to seasoned eco-vegan all are made welcome here.

"My Favorite Eco-Vegan Gal video right now: How To Eat More Green, Raw Food & Why You Should (note: I always think your last video or article is my fave until a new one comes"

I hope you can see why I think Jeri is so amazing, but you'll really understand how it feels once you connect with her and read her passionate articles. Thanks Jeri for all the incredible support and love - so glad to feature you as the very first Viewer of the Month!

Friday, 27 January 2012 01:31

San Francisco Vegan Drinks (Video)

Last night I attended my first SF Vegan Drinks hosted by VegNews and VeganSaurus and had a blast. Not only way the company great (Robert Cheeke was in town!) but I got to use my new camera. And when I say new, I mean it was gifted to me less than 2 hours before the event (thanks to my incredible boyfriend Owen). What perfect timing - I got to test out my camera on some internally and externally beautiful people! Anywho, check out the video to see how much fun SF Vegan Drinks is - if you're not in the Bay Area then you should seek out a vegan drinks in your area. And if there isn't one nearby then start one yourself, even if it begins with just you and your cat/dog/goldfish and a bottle of organic beer or virgin mojito!

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