Look: Eco Chic Beauty & Style

One of the many benefits of being eco-vegan is looking good inside and out - beauty is no longer skin deep! But even if you eat a healthy vegan diet, you're doing your body (and the planet) a disservice if you're wearing synthetic chemical-based cosmetics and clothing. In the following articles you'll learn what products are safest, most eco-friendly and effective, and find out how to make some yourself!

Looking for more facts & tips on non-toxic, green beauty and eco-friendly fashion? Get the low-down from my Pinterest board Pinterest Logo

The vegan lifestyle is about more than what one eats, it's encompasses every purchase. But don't let that overwhelm you because cruelty-free products are in ambundance and there's no need to feel like you're comprimising on how you feel, act or look. Just as there are many meat and dairy alternatives in the food realm, there are animal-free items galor for home goods, cosmetics, clothing and beyond. And if you want to take it to another level and make your belongings environementally-friendly, no problem!

Tuesday, 13 September 2011 17:23

Q&A: Eco & Vegan Flip Flops

What source do you recommend for good vegan flip flops?

Good question! It's been a while since I bought flip flops (a good pair will last for many years), but here are some great companies who make vegan and eco-friendly sandals:

One of my big eco-vegan missions is making my own everything, from meals to cleaning solutions to personal care products. Recently, it occured to me that I was wasting a lot of plastic containers every time I bought a new chapstick, and at $4-5 a pop it was getting expensive. So I decided to learn how to make it myself and discovered it was extremely easy, fast, and fun! Making it reduces packaging, saves money, and you get to control exactly what ingredients are used - talk about being eco-vegan! Here's how you can do it too (watch video or read written recipe):

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