Health Food
Health is a tricky subject - there's so much contradictory information out there and it's hard to know who to trust. Eco-Vegan Gal may not have all the answers (yet) but when Whitney finds solid information from trusted sources she shares it here. Consider her a wellness warrior leading the way to optimal health!
Learn more about the following health topics:
- organic
- unprocessed, whole food
- raw vegan diet
- holistic
- alkaleine vs acidic
- glycemic index
- pH
- Eastern medicine
- macrobiotic
Monday, 19 September 2011 06:57
The Healthiest Salads at Chain Restaurants
Don't be fooled by the salad selection at restaurants, especially the chains - not all salads are created equally! You wouldn't believe the calorie count and unhealthy ingredients in many of them. Check out this list of the Top 5 Healthy Salads at Sit-Down Chain Restaurants in an article I wrote for Organic Authority. *I did mention some salads that are on the menu with animal products in them, but they can be vegan if requested.
Sunday, 11 September 2011 21:32
What Stores Sell Natural, Healthy Food (North America)
image from
A very common question I receive is, "where can I find natural food?", especially when it comes to unique recipe ingredients. My answer is typically to go to your local natural market or buy online. Availability really depends on where you live, so I did a poll on the EVG Facebook page & Twitter to find out where my community shops, and here are their answers (it's quite the list!):
View Natural Food Stores in a larger map
- Apple Valley Natural Foods (Berrien Springs, MI)
- Bedner's Farm Fresh Market (Boynton Beach, FL)
- Better Health Market (MI)
- Cooportunity (Santa Monica, CA)
- Country Cupboard (East Aurora, NY)
- Debra's Natural Gourmet (Acton, MA)
- Earthfare (East Coast and The South)
- Foods for Living (East Lansing, MI)
- Fred Meyer
- Fresh by Brookshire's (Tyler, TX)
- Fresh & Easy
- Fruitful Yield (Darien, IL)
- Health Hutt (MI)
- Harvest Health Foods (MI)
- Henry's/Sprouts
- HyVee (IL)
- Marlene's Market & Deli (WA)
- Nature's Market (Holland, MI)
- New Life Health Center (Tucson, AZ)
- Noah's Foods (Ontario, Canada)
- Orchard's Fresh Foods (Whittier, CA)
- Perelandra (Brooklyn, NY)
- Plum Market (MI)
- Rainbow Grocery (San Francisco, CA)
- Santa Rosa Community Market (Santa Rosa, CA)
- Sevananda Natural Foods Market (Atlanta, Georgia)
- Sunac Natural Food (Brooklyn, NY)
- Sunflower Market
- Trader Joes
- Wegmans Nature's Marketplace
- Wheatsville Food Co-op (Austin, Texas)
- Whole Earth Center (Princeton, NJ)
- Willy Street Co-op (Middleton, WI)
- Wild by Nature (NY)
- Whole Foods
Unconventional shopping:
- farmer's markets
- community gardens
- CSAs
- your backyard!
Got any to add? Leave 'em in the comment section!
Friday, 09 September 2011 19:29
Healthy Finds At Kroger's Foods Co.
If you frequent this website you know that I shop mainly at natural markets like co-ops and Whole Foods. I stopped shopping at Trader Joes because of all the packaging and lacking organic options, though I do enjoy the occasional visit. However, these stores are all quite expensive due to their high quality offerings, and I realize that not everyone can afford to shop at them and may not have a location nearby. So I've decided to start visiting bigger chains with lower price points in search of healthy foods - focusing on vegan items of course.
Wednesday, 07 September 2011 04:52
Vegetable and Herb Stems: Food or Compost?

Most recipes call for the heads, leaves or flowers of a plant, like broccoli, kale, and herbs such as parsley. But what about the rest of them - the stems/stalks? Don't you feel a little guilty tossing such a big part of your food into the compost? Have you ever wondered if they're edible? Have you ever tried a bite and felt discouraged by the bitter taste or tough texture? If so, I've got an article for you! Check out my latest piece on Organic Authority, entitled: "Vegetable and Herb Stems: To Eat or Not to Eat", and learn about all great ways to eat them!
Sunday, 04 September 2011 17:47
Healthy and Fast Alternatives to Microwaving Your Food
Thursday, 01 September 2011 10:03
Sweet Options for a Diabetic: Alternatives to Artificial Sweeteners
Tuesday, 30 August 2011 22:51
Post Vida Vegan Con Diet: Healthy Cleanse Options
This post goes out to all the attendees of Vida Vegan Con that ate too much Voo Doo Donuts, Coconut Bliss, Upton's Naturals and Sizzle Pie. I know if I had been there I likely would have temporarily kicked my gluten and soy-free diet to the curb and indulged, no matter how sick it made me! And like everyone else, I would have needed to cleanse when I returned - so here's how I would have done it in that hypothetical situation I so wish was a reality. : )
There are many ways to cleanse, and it really depends on 3 things:
- How long you want to do it for
- How easy you want it to be
- How much money you want to spend
The Easy But Pricey Way:
Buy a cleanse off the shelf at your favorite health food store. There are many options, some in powder form, some in pill form, all with different lengths of time involved. However, my experience with cleanse kits has been with small companies that aren't available in stores (yet), but are easily found online. I recommend:
- Kaeng Raeng: $49-139
- SoCal Cleanse: $62-350
- Ejuva - $195-325
The Inexpensive Yet Questionably Healthy Way:
I've done the Master Cleanse about 3 times, mainly as a challenge - as someone who loves food, it's really hard to fast on lemonade for 10 days! Each time I've really loved the experience and felt physically and emotionally cleansed and lost some weight, but most people can't make it past a few days or suffer from side effects like headaches and weakness. It doesn't cost much to do this cleanse because it involves living off water, maple syrup, lemon, and cayenne pepper. However, though it is popular, it's hard on your system and loading up on sugary syrup all day isn't so great for you. Ultimately, it's OK to do occasionally and for short periods of time if you're in good health overall, but there are much better options.
The Professional and Pricey Way
If you really want to do a cleanse with long term benefits and are willing to invest time and money, consult a professional - this is probably the most effective way to detox. My top recommendation is Rachel Avalon - she's based in Los Angeles but does phone consultations, and she is outstanding. This beautiful woman knows her stuff and has a gentle yet effective approach - she will customize the cleanse to your lifestyle and give you tips to last a lifetime. Three 60 minute consultations with her costs $350 total (and well worth it!).
A less expensive way to get professional help is to buy books. Though they won't be customized to your life specifically, you'll find lots of great advice. My favorite book right now is Crazy Sexy Diet - for $15 it's a no brainer.
The Natural Way
Ultimately I believe the best way to cleanse is to eat healthier. The time and price involved ranges from the quality of food you eat, where you get it from, and whether you make it yourself or buy it prepared. The length of time you do it for really depends on how quickly your body responds - you may even decide to adapt this way of eating permanently!
- If you ate too much sugar, drastically cut back on it or go without it (I've gone 2 months without any form of sugar, including fruit!).
- If you ate too many processed foods and empty carbs, go gluten-free and focus on whole foods. Maybe even try going raw, or mostly raw.
- If you ate too much fried food, take a break from salty and oily foods. Salads are great of course, but you can also whip up some incredible salt-free and oil-free dishes with ingredients like rice, beans, quinoa, and cooked vegetables.
- If you drank too much coffee, incorporate naturally energizing foods into your diet and have some herbal tea or Teeccino instead.
- Drink more water!
- Have more naturally detoxing foods, like coconut kefir, wheat grass, sea vegetables, garlic, ginger, etc.
A really natural way to cleanse is to do a juice fast - drink nothing but vegetable and fruit juice for at least a few days. Make sure you incorporate a wide variety of produce so you get lots of nutrients - this is my favorite green juice recipe. This can be relatively inexpensive if you do it yourself, and if you don't have a juicer already it's a great excuse to get one. You can also go to juice bars several times a day, but that will get expensive and you'll go through a lot of plastic cups.
Of course it's important to incorporate some exercise into your life at all times, especially when you've indulged in yummy junk food. Here are my favorite ways to work out:
- Hiking
- Long walks with my canine companion
- Biking
- Roller blading
- Yoga
- Strength training (if you're in LA, you must check out The Studio (MDR) - they will get you into incredible shape!)
- For a great vegan resource, check out Robert Cheeke's book Vegan Bodybuilding and Fitness
What method of cleansing/detoxing have you found most effective? Share with me in a comment below
Wednesday, 24 August 2011 20:34
EVG Q&A: Post-Surgery Diet - Low Fiber Vegan Foods w/ Lots of Protein & No Soy
My mother in law just has surgery and has a new diet that we are having problems with satisfying. She is on a protein diet, but due to her health issues she cannot digest animal proteins. We have tried tofu and other soy products, but she has developed an intolerance to soy. She can do small quantities of soy, but items like Ensure and protein bars are out of the question. To add to the mix, the other problem is she can not digest anything with high fiber. No veggies, even if they are cooked down to nothing. I thought of beans, but am not sure how her system will react as I understand they are high in fiber. I am running out of ideas on how to get enough nutrition into her diet. Any thoughts, suggestions, ideas?
Saturday, 20 August 2011 13:02
Paleta - Organic, Sustainable Meal Delivery in LA - The Ultimate Way to Diet and/or Get Healthy (video)
Tuesday, 19 April 2011 18:03