Feel (Wellness/Self)
Remember 911. Remember Love (video)
Simply Pure: Organic, Vegan, Gluten-free, Sugar-free Medical Marijuana Food in Colorado
EVG Q&A: Reusable Menstrual/Sanitary Pads & Tampons
I'm working on going eco-friendly/fair trade/organic and I was wondering what you thought about reusable menstrual pads. I've been thinking about maybe trying them but what about when you're out all day or not able to get home?
Dr. Dennis Godby, Naturopathic Practitioner & Founder of The Run (video interview)
While at the Natural Products Expo West 2011 I sat down with Dennis Godby, MA, ND to talk to him about his naturopathic medical practice, his upcoming event (The Run), and hear what he had to say about health in general. He's incredibly down to Earth and provided some great tips on how the food that we eat and they way that we live effects how we feel, which is very much inline with my opinions.
50 Minutes To A Stronger, Healthier, Sexier Body at the studio(MDR)
It's almost that time of year we all dread - bathing suit season. Though we know it's coming, it always seems to creep up on us and suddenly we've run out of time to whip ourselves into shape. You can try intense liquid-based cleanses, diet pills, and 20 minutes on the elliptical each day - or you can find an exercise class that will kick your butt. If you live in Los Angeles and can make it over to Marina Del Ray, I've got just the place for you.
Where Do We Draw the Line Between Pleasure and Being Selfish?
No wants wants to be considered selfish - that's a painful word. But the reality is that we spent the majority of our lives being selfish - it's simply in our nature. I guess the definition and use of the word is what really matters. To me, being selfish means doing something pleasurable at the expense of others, and unfortunately so much of what we do in American society falls into that definition.
Living Purely

I’ve been a vegan and environmentalist for over 5 years, and both passions took a while to develop. Recently, I realized why they were so important to me - they brought me closer to purity. However, I felt that I wasn’t living as purely as I could. According to the New Oxford American Dictionary, one of the definitions of the word pure is “without any extraneous and unnecessary elements”. When I stepped back and took a look at my lifestyle, I saw that there was a lot of nonessential elements - for example, I was eating food that wasn’t nutritious and was wrapped in a lot of packaging. I resolved to ask myself a question whenever I was making a decision: “do you truly need this?” In many cases, the answer was, “no"
The Bare Necessities: Keep it Simple Stupid
Sorry - didn't mean to call you stupid. Just needed to get your attention.
In my opinion, simplicity is the key to healing our bodies, minds, and planet. Yet, for some reason, simplicity is often associated with lack of excitement, especially when in reference to lifestyle (Americans especially often feel the need to have more-more-more, not less-less-less). Surprisingly, among the many definitions of the word simple is, "not limited or restricted" (merriam-webster). In fact, since I've simplified my life (quit my full-time job, changed my diet, started making my own meals/beauty products, reduced the amount of products I buy, etc.), I feel bigger and unrestricted. I discovered that taking unnecessary things out allowed space for more important things to come in.
Robert Cheeke interviews Will & Madeleine Tuttle
Robert and I had some great conversations with Will & Madeleine Tuttle, on and off camera at Farm Sanctuary. Though I enjoyed listening to them speak, I especially liked the tour of their traveling home, which you'll see towards the end of the video. The Tuttles are truly living a eco-vegan lifestyle! Please check out Will's wonderful book, The World Peace Diet, which you can also get as an audio book
. Will has some beautiful music on CD
as well.
Do Disney movies have an animal rights agenda?
During a recent conversation with a friend we talked about the messages in Disney movies featuring animal characters. Some examples:
- Bambi's mother is shot by a hunter (and is later shot himself during a man-made fire)
- Dumbo's mother is put into chains in the circus
- Cruella De Vil wants to kill the puppies from One Hundred and One Dalmatians and turn them into fur coats
- Fox hunting in The Fox and The Hound
This really got me thinking - do Disney writers intentionally try to make us question how humans treat animals? Or, were these simply common script formulas written to pull at our heart strings, just like when humans kill/harm other humans in live action movies?
Turning Shit into Fertilizer
Let me start by saying, this post is not literally about turning shit into fertilizer, however, it is metaphorically. This post is about turning a bad situation into a good one.