Displaying items by tag: review

It's almost that time of year we all dread - bathing suit season. Though we know it's coming, it always seems to creep up on us and suddenly we've run out of time to whip ourselves into shape. You can try intense liquid-based cleanses, diet pills, and 20 minutes on the elliptical each day - or you can find an exercise class that will kick your butt. If you live in Los Angeles and can make it over to Marina Del Ray, I've got just the place for you.

Published in Fitness
Friday, 25 March 2011 15:33

Most Popular Articles on Eco-Vegan Gal

I love Google Analytics. It's an amazing tool that shows website owners practically everything about the traffic coming to their site. And not in a creepy way, it's actually very useful. I'm always most fascinated with the ways people have discovered my site. Today I looked at the Top 50 keywords used to find my site and thought I'd put them in a post to help others find what they're looking for faster. If this is your first time here, Welcome to Eco-Vegan Gal!

Published in Discover EvG & Whitney

I've had my eye on Justin's Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups for a while, but for some reason I never bought them. Perhaps it was the price: $1.99 for 2 small cup seemed a little steep. However, I decided to treat myself when I spotted them at Whole Foods today.

Published in Packaged Food Reviews

Most women (and some men) spend a lot of time styling their hair - spending lots of money and time on hair cuts and products. Unfortunately, these beauty routines aren't very eco-friendly or healthy, as the products as often full of harmful chemicals. This probably isn't new information to you, so perhaps you use organic products. However, you may not know this: most hair dryers give off as much radiation as a microwave - YIKES!

Published in Hair and Nails
Monday, 12 July 2010 21:20

Another gluten-free beer: New Grist

While shopping at Co-Opportunity this evening I stopped at their beer section to see what gluten-free beers they had. The entire selection is very modest, and after a quick scan I didn't see any of the GF drinks that I often find in Whole Foods. I was upset for a moment - how could my favorite market not have gluten-free beer? However, during my second scan my eyes landed on a bright label with some of my favorite works: gluten-free. I grabbed a 12 oz of New Grist and decided to give it a shot.

Published in Vegan 101
Wednesday, 23 June 2010 15:10

Meat Is For @#!$?#

As I write this post, there's a cool party happening in L.A. to celebrate the launch of the new book Meat Is For Pussies by Cro-mags vocalist John Joseph. Unfortunately I'm missing it because I'm out of town, but I've heard rave reviews.

Last night while dining at Candle Cafe in NYC, I saw a copy of the book with the word "pussy" covered up by a bunch of grawlixes. I thought that was pretty funny because I'm not offended by the title. Though I rarely use profanities, I'm usually not bothered when other people say them - it's just part of the language sometimes. In the case of this book, I'm glad the word "pussy" is used because it is attention grabbing. Much like "Skinny Bitch", people will pick up this book and want to read the description or first page. Or, if offended, they'll talk about their feelings to other people, which gives it more publicity; it really can't go wrong in my opinion.

Published in Book Reviews: Food
Tuesday, 08 June 2010 05:15

Gluten Free Beauty

Avoiding gluten in food has been much easier than I thought it was going to be, but I didn't expect to find it in beauty products. Turns out, much like animal products, gluten sneaks into some of the oddest places. If you are seriously sensitive or allergic to gluten this will be a big problem:

Gluten sensitivity is a systemic immune reaction to gluten anywhere in the body, not just that entering the body via the gut. Therefore, topically applied lotions, creams, shampoos, etc. containing gluten would indeed provide a source of gluten to the body (Celiac.com)

Published in Makeup
Thursday, 22 April 2010 18:12

Purely Elizabeth: gluten-free pancakes

Following the gluten-free diet may seem daunting, but it's easier than you might think and completely worth a shot. You can enjoy many fun foods, like pizza, ice cream, and all sort of baked goods. A great example is Purely Elizabeth, which offers lots of baking mixes. I was really excited to try the Perfect Pancake Mix, but unfortunately I had a hard time with them - they fell apart in the pan and didn't look very pretty. However, they tasted delicious - very hearty and satisfying. The mix is sugar free, so you can add your favorite sweetener (agave is suggested). I'm definitely willing to give them another go - maybe I'll try a different type of oil, egg replacement, pan, or add more liquid.

Published in Packaged Food Reviews
I feel like I don't need to write much more after you see that picture of the cinnamon rolls - you probably just want to know where you can get them! But let me assure you that they are delicious!!! Even though they are a week old already, they still taste very fresh, semi-moist, and flavorful. The sugar frosting is just right and there's a perfect amount of cinnamon. The Baby Bites are the great size, but you'll probably end up eating two or three (good thing there are 12 in a box!). To top it all off, they're gluten free!  
Published in Packaged Food Reviews
Sunday, 28 February 2010 02:00

Eat Pastry cookie dough: yum in a tub

The video literally speaks for itself, but the bottom line is that I love Eat Pastry cookie dough. It's one of the rare instances when you can judge a book by it's cover, because you can tell from the packaging that it's going to be delicious. Meeting Jessie, the co-owner and chef, sealed the deal, and I fell in love with the company.

Favorite flavor: Chocoholic (tastes like a brownie and a cookie got married!)
Organic: partially
Fair Trade: sugar is
Healthy: healthier, no preservatives, no GMOs
Eco-friendly: besides being vegan, not really. It's made from plastic #5, which is hard to recycle, but you can definitely reuse it.
Check out the website to find out where you can buy it, and to view cute descriptions of each flavor.
More opinions:
Published in Packaged Food Reviews
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