Sunday, 23 May 2010 20:13

No Need For 'Poo

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I'm sure it is obvious that I'm obsessed with finding new ways to be healthier and greener, and I'm about to take a step in a pretty radical direction: I'm going to stop shampooing my hair.

A recent conversation with a friend about the gluten-free diet led to a whole discussion about how much of our lifestyles are dictated by marketing and how we could live a lot simpler. Though I am pretty earthy-crunchy with my diet and way of life, I still do a fair share of consuming - especially beauty products. While I'm definitely not as extreme as the majority of women, I do buy hair products, skin care, and makeup - most of which are in plastic containers. After seeing the movie Tapped I was inspired to reduce my purchases of products in plastic containers, which is where "No Poo"steps in.

No Poo is a underground beauty trend which involves using baking soda and vinegar instead of shampoo and conditioner. I already use those products for most of my cleaning anyways, so why not give it a try? There are lots of convincing testimonials online and my friend swears by it. This change would not only save plastic bottles and money, but will reduce the amount of water I use because apparently you don't have to wash your hair as much. Do I sound like a major hippie or what? ; )

I gave it a try today and was shocked that my hair looks completely normal. I read a bunch of warnings that there is a transition period of about a month or two when your hair will not look great, and then it will look better than normal after that point. However, my hair feels great and looks fantastic (really shiny)! Granted, I've only tried it once, so I will keep you posted on the next few weeks go.

Here are some facts that might convince you to give it a try too:

How you too can go No Poo:
  • Baking soda (you can buy it in the typical box, or even in bulk at some natural food stores)
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Container that can hold 1 - 2 cups of water - preferably glass or stainless steal (plastic is evil!)
  1. Put 1-2 tbsp of baking soda into container. When you get in the shower, fill the rest of the cup with water and stir until the baking soda is dissolved
  2. Pour baking soda mixture over your hair like you would with shampoo. Massage it into your scalp and rinse off
  3. Put 1-2 tbsp of vinegar into container, fill the rest of the cup with water, and stir.
  4. Pour vinegar mixture over the ends of your hair like you would with conditioner. Let sit for a minute and then rinse off.
P.S. It took me a while to figure out why this process is called No Poo. I wondered what it had to do with bowel movements. Then I realized, poo is short for shampoo - duh! hahaha

If No Poo doesn't work out I am going to make some shampoo using recipes from Do It Gorgeously.

Have you tried No 'Poo? If so, how is it going? If not, give it a try - you might be surprised at the results!
Read 16857 times Last modified on Tuesday, 15 May 2012 20:26