Saturday, 03 July 2010 18:03

Fire Up The Grill: gluten and soy-free recipes for a healthy summer

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A reader asked if I knew of any veggie dogs that were free of gluten and soy, and I was stumped. Though I don't often eat veggie dogs, something about the summer (especially July 4th) makes them sound so appealing. After a quick search I was unable to find any pre-made dogs (here's a list of the major brands), but I was able to find a bunch of recipes that look promising:

  • Vegetarian Hot Dog - chickpea based
  • Carrot dogs - just carrots, with different marinade options! Apparently these originate from the Caribbean and are known as Rasta Pups
  • Vegetable hot-dog - carrots, beans, and potatoes, though the instructions say to make them into a burger patty...
  • Vegetable Hot Dog - this one is complicated and will need some vegan adjustments
  • Vegetable hot dog - similar to above, but seems a little easier, will need cottage cheese alternative
  • Vegetable sausage - will need to find egg white alternative
  • Vegetarian sausage - carrot based, will need egg replacement* and vegan cheese (Daiya)
  • Savory Breakfast Sausage - I know this is for breakfast, but I had to include it because it looks soooo good! Black-eyed pea based.
[2010-05-08 044 (640x480)[3].jpg]
And how about burgers? There are some options on the shelves, like Sunshine Burgers, Bahama Rice Burgers, and Asherah's Gourmet Quinoa Burgers. Here are some GF & SF recipes for those as well:

What about bun options? Haven't tried any of these, but they look good. You can usually find them at natural markets like Whole Foods, or on Amazon:
Or make your own buns from these recipes in about 30 minutes:
Great egg replacements:

Wow, there are a lot of options out there! Top it all off with some gluten-free beer (or kombucha) and you've got one hell of a 4th of July (or any summer meal)!
Let me know if you try making any of these and how they go! And if I've left anything out, let me know.
Read 16738 times Last modified on Tuesday, 24 April 2012 01:57