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Expo West 2011: Finding the Latest & Greatest Organic, Healthy, and Green Products
How Vegetarian Males Can Maintain Their Weight (EVG Q&A)
"My beau is 42, of a lean build, and is trying to stop eating meat. However, he has had to re-add animal proteins to his diet in the past after having quit because he lost weight so rapidly. He has cut back to eating meat this time to about once or twice a week, and is already showing massive fat and muscle loss. Part of the problem is, he's allergic to most nuts, so this is not a protein option, doesn't digest lentils well, and cannot do dairy, either. I know he really wants to do this, but even I, a vegetarian of 24 years, cannot believe the changes in his weight and muscle tone... Anybody out there who can help? Please!!" Thanks - signed, Lover of Man and Beast
My answer:
Stopping Junk Mail
Throughout the course of this blog I have written about junk mail many times. It's an on-going battle but I continue to fight against it. However, I have seen a huge decline in the amount of junk mail I receive, and mail in general since I choose to do most of my transactions and correspondence online.
The Scoop on Vitamin B12
A reader asked me today,
I have a question about b12, are there different types? I heard that vegans have to take supplements because you can't get it from plant sources, but spirulina and nutritional yeast both contain b12
Here are the answers to her questions, and then some. **Please read my health disclaimer**:
Hot, Rich & Green: how to start the eco career of your dreams
Several weeks ago I left my job to focus on Eco-Vegan Gal full-time. It was a big decision that was months in the making, but I was finally ready to take a leap of faith. But what prompted me to leave the comfort of a weekly pay check? Ironically, it was my job. You see, I had been working on an amazing book about women who followed their passions and started their own green businesses. Everyday I went into work and sat down to help edit this incredible book, reading through inspiring stories of success, until it finally hit me that I was ready to focus on my own story.
Women's Conference - Save Money (and Your Health) by Going Green
A few weeks ago a chance conversation with Maria Shriver resulted in a great opportunity - she asked me to write an eco-themed article for her site Women's Conference(I was featured on the front page)! Please check it out for tips on how being eco-friendly can be both healthy and cost effective.
Avatar: The Environmental Message - James Cameron at NRDC fundraiser
Tonight I had the exciting opportunity to attend the NRDC fundraiser featuring James Cameron and his movie Avatar. Although I knew that there were environmental messages in the movie, they didn't really sink in until I heard him speak. He showed 40 minutes of clips from Avatar at Fox Studios (in 3D!) and I had an entirely different emotional reaction then when I saw it in the theater. (It certainly helped that Cameron was sitting just a few rows in front of me!) The first time I saw the movie I was focused on the incredible special effects and the story, and was very impressed by them. This time, after hearing Cameron give a summary of the environmental message prior to the clips, it all became clear and I got chills. In fact, some scenes were very uncomfortable to watch the second time around (spoiler alert: when the magnificent tree falls down).
Brides Save the Whales
Press Release:
Los Angeles wedding boutique, Lili Bridals, teams up with eco-friendly wedding gown designer, Adele Wechsler, and the Sea Shepherd Societyto help Save the Whales.
The Cove: movie review
I finally rented The Cove and watched it on the plane ride to Massachusetts. And I was blown away. I've seen a lot of documentaries this year, and I'm tempted to say that this was my favorite.