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Sunday, 28 August 2011 16:25
How to Plan A Vegan Meal and Budget Tips from Vida Vegan Con
Notes from Vida Vegan Con's Budgeting & Meal Planning panel with Lidiana Cruz and Mo Martin, via Twitter feed.
Sunday, 28 August 2011 14:18
The Best of Vida Vegan Con: Sunday Roundup
Reporting from San Francisco, it's another summary of the best things I'm hearing about Vida Vegan Con from Twitter and blogs! Before you read this, make sure to check out yesterday's Ultimate Guide and other posts from VVC - very exciting stuff! I'll be updating this throughout the day, so check back often for updates.
Saturday, 27 August 2011 16:29
Communication as Activism: Vegan Advice from Author Colleen Patrick-Goudreau
Saturday, 27 August 2011 13:22
Ultimate Vida Vegan Conference Roundup: Saturday
Unfortunately, I couldn't make it out to Vida Vegan Con (click here to find out why) so I'm living vicariously through all the tweets and blogs posts, which are actually making me feel like I'm there (check out these 9 ways to enjoy it without being there). Twitter is such a fantastic way to connect with people and have conversations, and all the vegan bloggers and tweeters there are doing a great job at posting every detail!First of all, you must check out these live interviews NOW (but don't worry, they're all being recorded):
vidaveganconlive on livestream.com. Broadcast Live Free
Interviews from the Live Stream - My Favorites:
- Dynise Balcavage: Urban Vegan - "You don't expect an apple to taste like a mushroom, so you can't expect tofu to taste like a steak"
- Colleen Patrick-Gouudreau
- Jill from Vegan Cuts
- Jason Das from SuperVegan and Vegan Drinks
- Gena Hamshaw from Choosing Raw (interview one and interview two)
- The Pain in The Ass Vegan
Tips from Twitter:
Pictures from Twitter and Blogs:
- Vegan Traveling - Jason Das from SuperVegan uses Happy Cow said, "even a (bad) Chinese restaurant can make you steamed vegetables and rice." Laura Beck from VeganSaurus says she "googles vegan blogs and the city I am in."
- Vegan Blogging - see How to Blog post for all the great advice
- Advice from Colleen Patrick-Goudreau - too much to list here, so made a separate post!
- Vegan Nutrition: "make a big batch of grains (bulgar and quinoa!) and eat off it all week."
- Vegan Food: "Good vegan desserts aren't about what's NOT in them, it's about what IS in and how you use it. Use good quality ingredients." (via @Tofu_Mom)
- @sweeton New #vidavegancon hashtag suggestion: #wwcpgd What would Colleen @PatrickGoudreau do?
- @bookie85: A fig is a flower. Who knew?
- @SuperVegan: Can bloggers at #vidavegancon help spread word that pet-related #Hurricane #Irene news can be found via #IrenePets hashtag?
- @carrieonvegan: I love being #vegan! (It just had to be said). #vidavegancon
- @lonestarplate: definition of #vidavegancon: when vegans explore the limits of how much food can be eaten in three days
- @AdrianeLittle of aspiretrue.com
- @AlmostVeganChef of almostveganchef.com
- @biancaphillips of vegancrunk.blogspot.com
- @bookie85
- @epicurvegan of epicurvegan.com
- @get_spoked
- @greenvegnliving of greenveganliving.blogspot.com
- @hpitlick of vegtastic.net
- @jaredlaughs of jaredisavegan.blogspot.com
- @kitteekake of kitteekake.blogspot.com
- @lindyjb of lindybrown.com/blog/
- @LRiosSalazar
- @MadcapCupcake of madcapcupcake.wordpress.com
- @mygreenlake of MyGreenLake.com
- @noveleats of noveleats.com
- @OpinionessWorld of opinionessoftheworld.com
- @PDXyogini of pdxyogini.com
- @pickyvegan of pickyvegan.com
- @RbrtsonsMumba of therobertsonsofmumbai.com
- @steph_redcross of stephanieredcross.com
- @SusanV of fatfreevegan.com
- @terryhope
- @thevegancaterer of thevegancaterer.com
- @tothewestside of tothewestside.blogspot.com
- @veganmilwaukee of veganmilwaukee.com
- Check out who I followed yesterday!
- Back to Eden Bakery in Portland
- Crazy Mae's Bakeshop in Denver and on Etsy
- Lulu's - vegan shoe collection
- Native Bowl food cart in Portland
- Sizzle Pie in Portland
- Everyone is raving about the catered food from Josh Raymond aka The Vegan Caterer
- INTERVIEW: Talking Health, Oprah and Veganism with Author Kathy Freston by Elisa Camahort
- Vida Vegan Con: Live-Blogging Welcome Address from The Opinioness of the World
- VVC day 1: meet and greet, Vegucated, Voodoo Doughnuts from Amber of Almost Vegan Chef
- VVC Live Blogging: Nutrition Panel from The Nail That Sticks Up
- Food, Activism, and Hurricanes. WHAT A DAY! from RunCrissieRun
- Unsurpassed from Choosing Raw
Pictures from Twitter and Blogs:
Friday, 26 August 2011 19:47
9 Ways to Enjoy Vida Vegan Con Even If You're Not There

image by @lechousauvage
It's funny that I couldn't afford to go to Vida Vegan Con, the 1st vegan blogger conference, because I quit my job to focus on this blog and have been living paycheck to paycheck for about a year and a half. Certainly not complaining - I love my flexible freelance life, but it's really a bummer when I have to miss out on things outside my budget. However, I'm looking on the bright side as always and figure I'm not alone - there are plenty of people who aren't going because of the cost, location (Portland, OR), or because it sold out really fast. So here are some ways to enjoy the conference without being there.
Thursday, 31 March 2011 03:54
French Doctor Says Vegan Diet is Unhealthy! (EVG Q&A)
Thursday, 10 March 2011 23:42